Locate a reseller or a WEB developer

It may happen that you want to do a project and you really have no time to do it, why not to use an external developer that will make it for you?
They will help you to start up a project with our products or helping you, just talk with them and ask for a quotation. 
You can decide to buy from us the component or to let our developers* to sell you the whole package.


Agencia Web
Founded on 1990 is an enterprise that works for global projects on multimedia with the integration on internet.


Nuestra Misión es satisfacer las necesidades tecnológicas e informáticas de nuestros clientes, por medio de una perfecta cohesión en nuestros recursos humanos, físicos y conocimientos, logrando entregar soluciones integrales, reales y eficientes y manteniendo un alto estándar de calidad.


Internet mobile, messagerie mobile, serveurs Web accessibles via des serveurs vocaux. 


Scarlet Solutions
Providing consulting and development services for projects based on web technologies.


Defix Solutions - Barcelona
Defix desarrolla soluciones software, de tecnologías de la información, a medida para empresas. Tiene soluciones que abarcan todos los niveles de gestión de una empresa desde el departamento comercial, sistemas, producción, etc siempre personalizadas y basadas en una consultoria enfocada a usuario y a la comprensión y adaptación al concepto de negocio particular de cada cliente. La tecnología que usa siempre esta actualizada para ofrecer el servicio mas eficiente posible, concretamente nuestros últimos desarrollos usan tecnología .net, pero tambien se crean sistemas híbridos en función de las necesidades de cada cliente.


KB Group UK - London
KB Group specialize in developing robust, proven information technology solutions. 


Compucom - Dallas - TX
CompuCom is a national leader in helping companies plan, implement, and manage multivendor, industry-standard computing environments.

Intelligent Softworx - Oklahoma
Intelligent Softworx develops all applications in Microsoft Active Server Page technology. Intelligent Softworx specializes in database driven applications such as B2B and e-commerce.  Intelligent Softworx acts as an Application Service Provider by hosting the applications that they have written.

Customer 2.0 - New York
Shopping cart service at a moment, the offer will be expanded to provide auction site as well as dating site, in the near future.



*Note: Those developers and resellers are not a part from MITData, S.C.P. company, they are just developers or providers, that they may have done projects with our products to 3rd customers. MITData, S.C.P. is not responsible of any problem that you may get with them.  

Do you want to be a certified developer or just a reseller of our products?

To be a certified web developer of our products for developing applications to your customers,  you must have done a site development with our products and send it to us with some explanation to see if you are allowed to be on the list.

To be a reseller you should contact us with at sales@mitdata.net, remember to include all information of the company.