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How to install the component

Copy the following files to you WinNT/system32 directory, it can be also any directory if  you have it on the search path:


The start a command shell and write the following:

cd c:\winnt\system32\   ( or the directory you copy the files )

regsvr32 easycrypt.dll

Note: If this is an update, then you have to stop the IIS service and also the IIS admin service.

How to remove it

If you have stopped using it and you want to remove it, you only have to stop the IIS type the following sentence:

    regsvr32 /u easycrypt.dll

This will unregistered the file and then you can delete all files from aspEasyCrypt

Frequently asked questions

Please see the forums section as it is being updated daily with questions, suggestions and other useful examples. The questions below are some of the most common questions we’ve received in the forum.